Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Minister or Martyr?
Do you personally try to fix a stubborn printer? Do you personally stamp every newsletter envelope? Are you the only one capable of securing a meeting room or recording expenses?
Five Phrases Good Fundraisers Don't Say
Words make a difference! Your potential donors cannot read your mind. Think through ahead of time what you will say. Here are five phrases to avoid…
Leaders, Are You Overlooking Donors Under Your Nose?
After being named National Director, Alphonse quickly realized that he needed unrestricted cash to help his staff with emergencies and to seize ministry opportunities. The General Fund was crucial for ministry health.
So, we reviewed the list of general fund donors name by name for the past five years. Didn’t take long!
Do You "Hijack' Conversations?
Conversation hijacking occurs daily in life, but do gospel-workers also do it? To understand hijacking, let’s learn from the world of bird-watching.
Enduring Tough Times (Joyfully?)
I encourage you to take 60 minutes over the next few days to study “Tough Times” from the Bible yourself. You are busy helping others (good!), but let the Scriptures help you too! Then you can help others even more.
The Important Role Of Money In Your Spiritual Growth
This passage gives a surprising teaching about how to handle unrighteous wealth—money included. Here are two historically opposing viewpoints about material things that Gospel-workers need to understand.
Jesus and Tithing
As a gospel-leader, how do you feel about tithing—giving ten percent? Believers have been taught that tithing is the gold standard for giving, and they feel guilty if they give less than ten percent.
Was Jesus Poor?
Best of series: If Jesus was poor—how poor? Homeless? An itinerant beggar? Or was He wealthy?
Let’s look at scriptures on both sides of this age-old argument.
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters
I recently received some perceptive comments about my newsletter from a reader who receives many missionary newsletters. She is smart, kind and has world vision. She and her husband support many Gospel-workers.
So I asked her six questions about missionary newsletters. In her own words…