Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Is Your Problem Fundraising or Fund Management?
Some mission-workers have raised their full budget but still struggle to make ends meet. Money always seems “tight.” And they don’t save month by month.
Fundraising and Family Approval
Have you been asked these questions? “Why don’t you get a real job?” “Why not be a church pastor?” You are not alone.
Six Financial Blindspots for Veteran Missionaries
If you are a mission worker above the age of 50 hopefully you are now well established in your funding. And you have retirement investments? Good!
Can you now breathe a sigh of relief? Not yet!
How Much Should Christian Workers Be Paid?
“Poor as a church mouse” is a proverb. But where is it written that Christian leaders should be paid poorly?
Jesus’ Two Surprising Economic Values
The Feeding of the 5000 happened at the north end of the Sea of Galilee near Bethsaida. A large crowd followed Jesus to a grassy hill where He was teaching. And now, besides feeding them spiritually, He wants to feed them physically!
48 Hours to Go Reminder
Increase the results of your end-of-year/start-of-year appeal letter by up to 30% with a short 120-word e-mail reminder. What to say?
Too Late For An End Of Year/ Start Of Year Appeal? No!
After studying missionary income reports from many countries over many years, I notice that missionary support is highest in December and January.
End-Of-Year/Start-Of-Year Cash-Appeal Letters
Many mission-workers wait until December 15 to send a hurried appeal letter that is more need-driven than vision-driven. Take time now to draft your letter.
No-Cem-Uary Begins November 15!
The 8 weeks between November 15 and January 15 (No-Cem-Uary!) offer a wonderful opportunity to increase your support.