International Fundraising
Fundraising isn’t only for the western world!
Here in this area you will find stories from International Navigator staff who are raising support in their own countries! Plus, coaching others to do the same. Read their stories and watch their testimonies to be encouraged.
Meet the International Funding Coaches
These Navigator staff are meeting the challenge of raising personal ministry support from among their countrymen. Hear the struggles they’ve overcome and how God has met them in the process.
Read International Testimonies and Articles
Identify with lessons and true-life events about biblical fundraising and money management from international gospel-workers.
available IN
Watch International Fundraising Stories
In these “to-the-heart” 3-minute videos you will realize you are not alone in your fundraising challenges. Hear how God is working in bringing gospel-workers to full funding.
Download International Fundraising Materials
You don’t need to re-invent the wheel! Here are worksheets, Bible studies and practical tools to make your funding challenge do-able!