Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Where God Leads, He Provides For Your Needs
While it seems irreverent to disagree, I confess that I find these statements to be dangerous half-truths, maybe even shallow intellectually.
What Does an Annual Funding and Communication Plan Look Like?
Having survived the Christmas holidays many mission-workers are overwhelmed as they face a new year with still more funding to raise and newsletters to write. But let’s simplify your next 12 months.
Send a Reminder?
“It feels pushy to send a giving reminder to my people. Why bother them on New Year’s Eve Day?”
Would Your Giving Partners Say You Are a Genuinely Thankful Person?
Your country might not have an official day of thanks, but as 2022 ends what better time to appreciate your giving partners?
Was Jesus Joyful?
The “Best Of” originally posted in 2013. Lately I've been asking people this question: Was Jesus a joyful person?
My friends are puzzled and they want to say yes, but then I ask, "What proof is there that Jesus was joyful?" What do you think?
Seven Fundraising Traps to Avoid
Similarly, we can fall for “easy” funding methods, but let us be wiser than the saber-tooths. Here are seven traps to avoid…
When You Don’t Have Time for Fundraising!
You intended to make funding appeals the last two months, but you didn’t get around to it. And now the students arrive in two weeks…
Do You Take Your Budget Seriously?
When I ask mission-workers about their organizational budget, I get these responses: “My monthly budget? Hmmm….
Calling Lapsed Donors?
Do you re-connect with lapsed giving partners? If not, you are leaving money on the table. And, doing a disfavor to your partners!