New to Fundraising?
Start here.
Whether in your 20’s or at mid-career, it is tempting to say, “Just tell me how to ask!” But the testimony of hundreds who have used this material overwhelmingly say that the most valuable place to start is with the International Bible study or the Zarephath Solution study. These “Where To Start” suggestions will keep you from taking shortcuts which do not honor the Lord.
If you hit a roadblock, let me know. God bless you as you launch out in this exciting ministry.
Where to Start:
1. Study
International Fundraising Bible Study
Gives you a Biblical foundation for all you will do in funding. Do a little of this study each day, asking the Lord to speak to you. FIND IT HERE >>
The Zarephath Solution contextualizes the International study for non-Americans. FIND IT HERE >>
2. Survey
This short survey is a double-check for you. Don’t dive into fundraising without a sobering review of your calling. Ask yourself the questions a missions expert would ask you.
3. Videos
8 Essential Attitudes for Biblical Fundraising: These 3-minute videos will help you avoid “secularized fundraising” by putting the guidelines from the Bible study into practice. Start with #1. WATCH THEM HERE >>
Emotional Barriers to Fundraising: By Molly Gilberts. This 3-minute video helps you deal with emotions like fear and self-worth as you approach your funding role. WATCH IT HERE >>
Out of Prospects: How to build a mailing list to spread the news far and wide that you are entering a new chapter of life. WATCH IT HERE >>
4. Worksheet
Top 25 Potential Partners: Start by listing 25 friends or acquaintances (not 2500!) who will be willing to “hear your story.” FIND IT HERE >>