Personal stories
or journal entries by Scott or mission workers
What Giving-Partners Teach Me in December!
Every December I phone giving partners and friends on our mailing-list—some I don’t know well. My goal is to remind as many as possible of the end-of-year appeal letter they received in early December. But I also listen and encourage—donors and non-donors.
Here are some of their words from 39 calls (so far):
Are You A Generous Missionary?
Excerpt from Scott’s travel journal.
It was 7:30 in the evening, the last day of my New Jersey vacation, and I found myself at one of Newark’s finest restaurants—Burger King.
After placing my order, a 20s-something young man…
New Staff's Answer to the "Real Job" Obstacle
Mr. X: “You are being brainwashed. You are not a real missionary. Real missionaries come from the West.”
Grandma's Silo
What did your parents teach you about saving Money? This was the first question in a bible study with one of my mentors.
Holland: Day-by-day Trip Journal. A Few Suprises!
Day 0: Tomorrow I leave for Amsterdam to train gospel-workers in biblical fundraising. I haven’t traveled overseas in a while and I am being tempted today to second-guess myself.
Things like….
Do Lies From the Past Haunt Your Fundraising?
Interview with Toru and Ikuko Ogawa-san, The Navigators University Ministry. Sendai, Japan.
Question 1: How have you "felt" about fundraising in your 25 years with The Navigators?
TORU: Fundraising has been a heavy burden to me—a never-achieved goal. What I did for raising support was only writing letters to appeal my ministry needs. I always have been under economical pressure. For ten…
Follow Up After Appointments
Do you follow up after funding appointments? What if people promise to give, but don’t start?
Here is a letter exchange with my friend H. about checking back after appointments. What do you think of my counsel?
Opinion Fundraising or Biblical Fundraising?
I have heard the following opinions from gospel-workers in many cultures, including my own people in rural Iowa!
Face-to-face appeals won’t work in my culture.
There’s no money out there. We must go ‘outside’ for funding.
Asking affects relationships.
Sleeping in a tent in the rain for fundraising…Did we sign up for this?
In April of 2015 we jumped into the car for a combination ministry partner development (MPD) and family visiting trip to Brisbane from Canberra (2000 km round trip).
About halfway to Brisbane, I preached at a local church whose minister we had known previously. After the service I made a general appeal for support for our ministry, but no one…