Minister or Martyr?
In a day of information overload, many missionaries neglect a maxim from Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators:
“Don’t do what others can and will do, especially if they can do it better than you.”
Do you personally try to fix a stubborn printer? Do you personally stamp every newsletter envelope? Are you the only one capable of securing a meeting room or recording expenses?
Why not delegate more? Is it because you don't want to raise extra money to pay an Admin Assistant—an AA? Then ask God for a gifted volunteer.
I've had volunteers or paid assistants since my first field ministry assignment working from 4-40 hours per week. They've freed me to talk with non-believers and to spend hours mentoring laborers. They've also given me time to be with my family, and most importantly, to be with God.
What could an AA do for you? How about this?
Data Hygiene. Keep addresses, phone numbers and social media info up to date.
Mailings. You write the letter…your AA produces it and sends it out.
Worksheets and handouts. You draft them…your AA makes them sparkle.
Meeting logistics. Find meeting locations, organize Zoom meetings, set up screensharing.
Expense reports. Submits your receipts on-time and without errors!
You didn't join your mission because you thrive on administration. Ask God to give you a gifted AA so you can invest more time in people and study.
“...the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.”