Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters
I recently received some perceptive comments about my newsletter from a reader who receives many missionary newsletters…
Broke People Can’t Help Anyone
A big obstacle to fully-funding gospel-workers in Africa is friends who say “yes” to give support but stop after one or two gifts. Or don’t start at all. Do you recognize the problem?
Tough Beginnings Don't Mean the Future Will Be Horrible
Before I joined the Navigator ministry I figured that some people were good at fundraising—but I assumed I would not be one of them.
Good Intentions? Or a Plan?
Strange as it seems, many gospel-workers do not have a plan to reach 100% of their budget. They often wait until a crisis…
When Should You Drop Someone From Your List?
In our early days of ministry, my husband Timm and I bought our first car, at a bargain we attributed to God’s providence. We were excited that it would enhance our ministry.
Do You “Hijack” Conversations?
Conversation hijacking occurs daily in life, but do gospel-workers also do it?
In Coaching Others, Remember LPC!
I love finding easy ways to remember ministry guidelines. So, here’s LPC – mental triggers for effective coaching.
Four Must-Haves in MPD!
Like most gospel workers my Ministry Partner Development journey has been fraught with trepidation. My attitude was, “Anything but fundraising!”
An Administrator Looks at Missionary Fundraising (Three Insights)
As a missions administrator, I am inspired by Nehemiah’s vision and how he built partnerships.