Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Enduring Tough Times (Joyfully?)
Listening to the daily COVID-19 news brings me great hope but also great sadness…
Coronavirus and Fundraising?
With the Coronavirus pandemic shutting down much of the world, what can you do now in fundraising?
Do You Write Letters or Flyers?
In ministry newsletters today there is a movement away from “Dear Sally” letters toward what I call Church Bulletin Flyers…
Are You Doing the Little Things of Funding?
“Little things” are those behind-the-scenes small activities that help bring full funding. They are not spectacular.
When is the Best Time for Fundraising?
Fundraising consultants debate on the best months to go out with fundraising appeals. Here is some “worldly wisdom?” When is funding best done?
Meals Together: Food and Fundraising
The gospels record 12 meal-times where Jesus had meaningful ministry—not counting the two feedings of the multitudes…
Should Conventional-Income Workers Fundraise?
I hear ministry-leaders say: “I don’t worry about the funding of conventional-income staff… they fund their own ministries.”
What will you do differently in fundraising in the new year?
With turning the calendar, mission-workers resolve to improve their funding. For example, “This year we will…”