Good Intentions? Or a Plan?
“Alice: ‘Would you tell me, please, which way I out to go from here?’
Cheshire Cat: ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.’
Alice: ‘I don’t much care where...’
Cheshire Cat: ’Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.’”
How about you? Do you know where you want to go financially? Or are you like Alice in Wonderland?
Strange as it seems, many gospel-workers do not have a plan to reach 100% of their budget. They often wait until a crisis—when paying bills is gut-wrenching and arguments with their spouse happen daily.
If your fundraising plan isn’t written on paper or on your computer, then you don’t have a plan! You might have good intentions. But if you haven’t written a plan, how serious are you?
I’ve been there! Early in our ministry I assumed unexpected “miraculous” bail-out gifts were the norm. One evening (when funds were low) I came back from Bible study to find a $20 bill someone hid in my Bible. I showed it to my wife, Alma. “Look!” I said, “God is providing!” But the rent was much more than $20!
My funding plan was, “Wait on the Lord.” But it turned out that the Lord was waiting on me!
Finally, I stopped procrastinating and listed acquaintances to invite for monthly giving. Then I met with them face to face and asked. That’s when I experienced what it meant to “wait on the Lord!”
What keeps gospel-workers from making fundraising plans?
Too scary. It’s easier to live in angst than to risk hearing a “no!”
Too difficult. I can’t think of anyone who would want to give to me.
Too busy. I will make appeals after this conference…after the kids start school…someday…someday….
Have you seen this poem on procrastination?
“Mr Meant-To has a comrade,
And his name is Didn’t-Do.
Have you ever chanced to meet them?
Did they ever call on you?
These two fellows live together
In the house of Never-Win.
And I’m told that it is haunted
By the ghost of Might-Have-Been.”
“Someday” is today! Start with the Top 25 Worksheet. Don’t ask, “Who will give me money?” The answer is, no one! You are not a street beggar! You are Christ’s servant called to Gospel ministry. Get your head up! Ask instead, “Who needs to hear my story?”
Father in Heaven, You are the Provider, but I hesitate to make a plan. Please guide me now as I jot down the names of friends and acquaintances to invite for support. No more excuses. Amen.
“If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.”