Four Must-Haves in MPD!
Like most gospel workers my Ministry Partner Development (MPD) journey has been fraught with trepidation. My attitude was, “Anything but fundraising!” But, over time, God convinced me that that MPD is part of my calling. Though I worked hard with different exotic funding tactics, they failed to deliver.
Here are four lessons I have learned in MPD (and am still learning):
Metrics Matter!
Vision Energizes!
Skills Breed Confidence!
Time Brings Results!
One morning in June 2019, I decided to go to the eye clinic because of a persistent headache and red eyes.
The first question the doctor asked was: When was the last time you had your blood pressure (BP) checked? It had been a while. Upon checking, my BP was high at 162/112. The headache and red eyes were symptoms, not the root cause. Blood pressure is a metric that uncovered a serious problem.
Just like in one’s health, metrics matter in MPD. Without metrics it’s difficult to know how you are truly doing in your MPD. However, finding your MPD metrics requires behind-the-scenes research. But you don’t need 18 metrics—only three. Here they are:
Up-Till Now Report– To keep track of your weekly and monthly progress as you make appeals. You can’t remember it all!
Three-year-Gift Summary– Tracks your gift Income over a three-year period month by month.
Top 25 Worksheet– List your prospective donors. Gives you the next steps in MPD.
Metrics reveal current reality, what is actually happening in your MPD—not what you hope is happening. One colleague was shocked to discover she was above budget and didn’t know it!
“Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds”
Lack of clear vision results in financial stagnation. Clarity in vision is born out of time spent with God in prayer and the Word combined with understanding the plight of the people-group to whom God is sending you.
Vision is anchored in your calling. It defines your role in fulfilling your organization’s mission. People are energized to give to a vision they understand. Giving to “needs” is motivating for a short term only, but not sustainable! Articulating your vision succinctly is key in MPD.
“Again, if the Trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?”
It’s not enough to know the what and why of doing something. Know-how is essential. Without skills, MPD suffers. Skills open doors and breed confidence, resulting in success.
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.”
It’s easy to crowd MPD out of one’s schedule. Talking about money does not seem spiritual. To succeed in MPD you must make time for it by doing the following:
Prioritize – Unless MPD is on your calendar, you won’t find time for it. See MPD as part of your job.
Plan – Your plan begins with a clear understanding of where you are in relation to your funding goal –exactly how much do you need to raise?
Practice – Put your plan and skills into practice. You will raise funds!
Persevere – Results don’t come overnight. Discouragement happens. MPD, like your calling, is a lifelong endeavor.
I can testify today that my attitude about fundraising has changed from my early days. Applying these four must-haves has brought confidence, obedience and success.
Remember: Metrics Matter, Vision Energizes, Skills Breed Confidence and Time Brings Results.
Nelson Musipa, Teachers with a Mission Director, Funding Coach
Navigators, Zambia
You may reach Nelson Musipa at