Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
The Cost Of A Hardcopy Newsletter—Is It Worth It?
We all feel it. Prices are up. Why mail a paper newsletter (i.e. $$$) when email is free?
How Much Thanking is Enough?
As a “donor,” what has been your experience in receiving thank-you’s?
80% Is Not Full Funding
My friend hit the 80% glass ceiling! At 80% you can pay your bills—you can “get-by!” But 80% is not the same as full funding.
Nibbled to Death by Ducks!
If you are emotionally drained, fundraising is overwhelming! Phoning a potential donor feels like climbing Mt Everest all alone. Your heart is right, but you are out of gas. The ducks are winning!
Recapturing Cheerful Giving
Though most believers are not joyless givers, they’re not joyful givers either. Their giving brings them the same joy as paying a parking fine.
What a Giving Partner Said About My Letters! Uh-oh!
Last week a giving-partner, “Gary,” wrote to say he “reads our newsletters all the way through.” I was glad to hear this. And a bit surprised!
How Much Time to Spend in Donor Ministry?
The Stewardship Foundation in the United Kingdom published a survey showing how much time mission workers spent to keep their giving partners informed.
Seven Words To Find New Ministry Partners
What seven words will bring you new ministry partners?
Fundraising In A Turbulent Economy—A One-word Guideline!
In the midst of bailouts, layoffs, credit squeezes, and slowdowns what is your fundraising strategy?