Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
No-Cem-Uary Begins November 15!
The 8 weeks between November 15 and January 15 (No-Cem-Uary!) offer a wonderful opportunity to increase your support.
The Cost Of A Hardcopy Newsletter—Is It Worth It?
We all feel it. Prices are up. Why mail a paper newsletter (i.e. $$$) when email is free?
Fundraising In A Turbulent Economy—A One-word Guideline!
In the midst of bailouts, layoffs, credit squeezes, and slowdowns what is your fundraising strategy?
Five Phrases Good Fundraisers Don't Say
Words make a difference! Your potential donors cannot read your mind. Think through ahead of time what you will say. Here are five phrases to avoid…
Leaders, Are You Overlooking Donors Under Your Nose?
After being named National Director, Alphonse quickly realized that he needed unrestricted cash to help his staff with emergencies and to seize ministry opportunities. The General Fund was crucial for ministry health.
So, we reviewed the list of general fund donors name by name for the past five years. Didn’t take long!
Send a Reminder?
“It feels pushy to send a giving reminder to my people. Why bother them on New Year’s Eve Day?”
Seven Fundraising Traps to Avoid
Similarly, we can fall for “easy” funding methods, but let us be wiser than the saber-tooths. Here are seven traps to avoid…
When You Don’t Have Time for Fundraising!
You intended to make funding appeals the last two months, but you didn’t get around to it. And now the students arrive in two weeks…
Do You Take Your Budget Seriously?
When I ask mission-workers about their organizational budget, I get these responses: “My monthly budget? Hmmm….