No-Cem-Uary Begins November 15!
-Increase Your Support Now-
The 8 weeks between November 15 and January 15 (No-Cem-Uary!) offer a wonderful opportunity to increase your support. Some non-Americans think that an end-of-year/start of year appeals are only effective in America. Not true!
On January 1 people around the world take inventory of their eating habits(!), their careers and their money. Some will start new jobs, receive a bonus or move to a new place. Be visible to your mailing list during these 60 days.
Here are six action steps. Which ones is God leading you to implement?
1 - End-of-Year/Start-of-Year Appeal Letter!
Most important! Send an end-of-year/start-of-year appeal letter to your entire mailing list. Many mission-workers receive 30-40% of their yearly income from this letter.
To write a compelling appeal letter watch my video: “11 Tips For Effective End-of-Year/Start-of-Year Appeals.”
2 - Lapsed Donors!
List donors who have not given in the previous 48 months. You haven’t heard from them, but they “voted” for you 12, 24, 36 or 48 months ago!
Send them your end-of-year/start-of-year appeal letter and follow up with a phone call. Re-connect relationally! Offer to treat them to lunch or tea.
If no appointment, be ready to ask them to re-join your team on the phone.
Tell them you have two types of giving partners—monthly and occasional. Say, “Those who give once or twice a year are crucial to our funding.” Re-igniting lapsed donors is easier than recruiting new ones.
3 - Anchor Partners!
Anchor partners give 5-10 times higher than your average gift. Veteran gospel-workers, you need 4-6 anchor partners to be fully funded.
Invite a potential anchor partner face-to-face—not by phone, email, text or social media.
To minister to anchor donors, the key word is “listen.”
4 - Add to your mailing list!
Start with your cell phone directory. If God has called you to ministry, He has placed giving partners around you, but they need to hear your story. Take initiative to invite them to your mailing list.
Ask permission! How do you feel when someone adds you without asking?
5 - Phone non-donors!
Few people give based on an appeal letter alone—less than 3% in America.
Follow up your letter by phone to secure face-to-face appointments.
Leave a message or text if they don’t answer. Try again at different times. Might say, “I hope we can talk soon… I have a deadline.”
Do not make an appeal in the message.
6 - Thank you!
Phone a few faithful partners just to say thank you—not to ask. If they don’t pick your call, leave a brief message. I try to re-connect by phone or in person with many donors during No-Cem-Uary.
Do year-end/start-of-year appeals pay off? Absolutely! I have found that God blesses my attempts—however feeble. Comments I have received:
“We just received an inheritance and wondered where to give a portion of it.”
“Our son is wayward. We are sad!”
“Thank you for reminding me about my giving.”
Sometimes gifts come to our account 6-18 months later from those for whom I could only leave a message.
Other times money is not the result. In God’s sovereignty, you will likely phone on the very day your friend needs encouragement. (Christmastime often brings discouragement.) We are building partners in ministry—not merely finding funding.
Even if your culture does not give a tax benefit, don’t waste this important 60-day window! Plan your calendar to make time for it. No-Cem-uary!
“For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren…”