“Because of my early struggles in raising personal support, I have a heart to empower gospel workers like you in funding. Over the years I’ve interacted one-by-one with hundreds of ministry staff from many countries and many organizations. I hear you! You are not alone!
At the Morton Center for Biblical Fundraising, you’ll find a wealth of resources designed to support your fundraising efforts with biblical principles—not merely pragmatic advice.
Whether you’re new to fundraising, needing a fresh start or a leader raising program funding of $50,000 and more, The Morton Center will bring you hope and a workable Biblical strategy. Discover insightful 2-3-minute videos, blogs, books, practical tools—and snippets of humor to lighten your day!”


"If you raise support, then Funding Your Ministry is a must-read. Scott Morton's biblical and practical insights hit the bull's-eye on the issues that Christian workers and missionaries wrestle with in raising up financial partners."
-Ellis Goldstein, Director of MPD for Cru
Funding Your Ministry

God’s Presence in Your Fundraising
40 Readings and Prayers
“Scott Morton goes deep inside the fundraiser’s heart to address the hidden but most destructive obstacles. This book will be a precious companion to those who raise funds for the glory of God!”
-Serge Sess, The Navigators Country Director, Côte d’Ivoire
Leading your team and ministry to full funding.
"God has used Scott Morton to motivate, train, coach and influence countless faith-based, non-profit organizations through is writing, training and personal ministry. I am one of those leaders. There is no one better qualified to speak to leadership funding than Scott.”
-Lauren Libby, International President of Trans-World Radio

What the Bible Actually Says About Money
31 Meditations
"31 Meditations gives biblical answers to the financial questions no one talks about. Scott Morton brings fresh insight to scriptures I've read dozens of times."
-Colorado Ministry Practitioner

Down to Earth Discipling
Essential Principles to Guide Your Personal Ministry
"Scott Morton is an experienced disciple and writes in a reader-friendly fashion. This book will be helpful for both those just beginning a discipling ministry and those who are already experienced."
-Jerry Bridges, author of The Pursuit of Holiness and The Gospel for Real Life

Have you been asked these questions? “Why don’t you get a real job?” “Why not be a church pastor?” You are not alone.
If you are a mission worker above the age of 50 hopefully you are now well established in your funding. And you have retirement investments? Good!
Can you now breathe a sigh of relief? Not yet!
“Poor as a church mouse” is a proverb. But where is it written that Christian leaders should be paid poorly?
The Feeding of the 5000 happened at the north end of the Sea of Galilee near Bethsaida. A large crowd followed Jesus to a grassy hill where He was teaching. And now, besides feeding them spiritually, He wants to feed them physically!
Increase the results of your end-of-year/start-of-year appeal letter by up to 30% with a short 120-word e-mail reminder. What to say?
After studying missionary income reports from many countries over many years, I notice that missionary support is highest in December and January.
Many mission-workers wait until December 15 to send a hurried appeal letter that is more need-driven than vision-driven. Take time now to draft your letter.
The 8 weeks between November 15 and January 15 (No-Cem-Uary!) offer a wonderful opportunity to increase your support.
We all feel it. Prices are up. Why mail a paper newsletter (i.e. $$$) when email is free?
My friend hit the 80% glass ceiling! At 80% you can pay your bills—you can “get-by!” But 80% is not the same as full funding.
If you are emotionally drained, fundraising is overwhelming! Phoning a potential donor feels like climbing Mt Everest all alone. Your heart is right, but you are out of gas. The ducks are winning!
Though most believers are not joyless givers, they’re not joyful givers either. Their giving brings them the same joy as paying a parking fine.
Last week a giving-partner, “Gary,” wrote to say he “reads our newsletters all the way through.” I was glad to hear this. And a bit surprised!
The Stewardship Foundation in the United Kingdom published a survey showing how much time mission workers spent to keep their giving partners informed.
In the midst of bailouts, layoffs, credit squeezes, and slowdowns what is your fundraising strategy?
Do you personally try to fix a stubborn printer? Do you personally stamp every newsletter envelope? Are you the only one capable of securing a meeting room or recording expenses?
Words make a difference! Your potential donors cannot read your mind. Think through ahead of time what you will say. Here are five phrases to avoid…
After being named National Director, Alphonse quickly realized that he needed unrestricted cash to help his staff with emergencies and to seize ministry opportunities. The General Fund was crucial for ministry health.
So, we reviewed the list of general fund donors name by name for the past five years. Didn’t take long!
Conversation hijacking occurs daily in life, but do gospel-workers also do it? To understand hijacking, let’s learn from the world of bird-watching.
I encourage you to take 60 minutes over the next few days to study “Tough Times” from the Bible yourself. You are busy helping others (good!), but let the Scriptures help you too! Then you can help others even more.
This passage gives a surprising teaching about how to handle unrighteous wealth—money included. Here are two historically opposing viewpoints about material things that Gospel-workers need to understand.
As a gospel-leader, how do you feel about tithing—giving ten percent? Believers have been taught that tithing is the gold standard for giving, and they feel guilty if they give less than ten percent.
Some mission-workers have raised their full budget but still struggle to make ends meet. Money always seems “tight.” And they don’t save month by month.