Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
The Two R’s of Fear in MPD!
As a young Gospel worker, I faced fear every time I thought about calling someone to set an MPD appointment. It was not only the phone call that scared me—merely thinking about the phone call scared me!
Five Newsletter Must-do’s from a Giving Partner!
Clear, candid and well-organized missionary newsletters are most effective.
Fundraising Lessons from a National Director
Q & A with Sess Serge, National Director Navigators Cote d’ Ivoire
Two Lessons I have Learnt about Donor Ministry (from the donors themselves!)
Since launching TWAM (a discipling ministry to public school teachers all over Zambia) I realized I must increase my funding significantly.
Increase Your End-of Year Income Today
Do yourself a favor with a short last-minute funding reminder for 2020.
“Going Ahead Afraid!”
I was once told that perseverance is “going ahead afraid.” That is, “do what is right even though you are fearful.” I found those three words to be true in funding, but it took a kick in the pants to put it into practice.
Final Reminders for Your (Heartfelt) End-of-Year Appeal Letter
If you have not yet sent your end-of-year or start-of-year appeal, it’s not too late! But you must act quickly.
Are You Leaving Money on the Table in Your Leadership?
Okike Offia sent a forthright appeal letter to 100 people on the Nigerian National Mailing List. Many National Directors consider this too “pushy” and are uncomfortable to say anything except to provide “How to Give” information…
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters (Part II)
“J” is a faithful giving partner of many missionaries for many years, she understands giving and receiving. I asked her and her husband to respond to these questions about missionary newsletters