Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
80% Is Not Full Funding
My friend hit the 80% glass ceiling! At 80% you can pay your bills—you can “get-by!” But 80% is not the same as full funding.
Minister or Martyr?
Do you personally try to fix a stubborn printer? Do you personally stamp every newsletter envelope? Are you the only one capable of securing a meeting room or recording expenses?
Five Phrases Good Fundraisers Don't Say
Words make a difference! Your potential donors cannot read your mind. Think through ahead of time what you will say. Here are five phrases to avoid…
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters
I recently received some perceptive comments about my newsletter from a reader who receives many missionary newsletters. She is smart, kind and has world vision. She and her husband support many Gospel-workers.
So I asked her six questions about missionary newsletters. In her own words…
What Does an Annual Funding and Communication Plan Look Like?
Having survived the Christmas holidays many mission-workers are overwhelmed as they face a new year with still more funding to raise and newsletters to write. But let’s simplify your next 12 months.