Fundraising and the Holy Spirit

If the Holy Spirit went on vacation, how long would you continue fundraising before you noticed He was gone?


John 15:25-26 contains a wonderful promise that we often neglect in fundraising.

When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me, and you will testify also, because you have been with Me from the beginning.

First, notice that Jesus calls His Spirit He, not “it”—a living being—not an impersonal force. Jesus also called the Spirit the helper—parakletos in Greek, one called alongside to help. Other translations say Comforter (KJV), Counselor (NIV), Friend (Message Bible).  

Here’s the promise: As you testify about Jesus, this Helper also testifies about Jesus, going ahead of you and whispering to your potential giving partners.   

Do we see the Holy Spirit’s activity in funding? Certainly. How many times have mission-workers said, “I dreaded phoning for appointments, but after I turned it over to the Lord, I actually enjoyed it.” 

Much of the Comforter’s work is invisible, but do not doubt that He is active—Jesus said He will testify! For example: 

  • As I phone potential giving partners to ask for a meeting, they often say, “We were just talking about you last week.”

  • Before his first training meeting, a new ministry worker went to the Broadmoor Hotel and sat by the lake doing his Bible study assignment. He was worried about raising $26,000 for his first ministry year—it felt impossible. Bewildered, he wrote a letter sharing his fears. He folded the letter, placed it on the bench with a stone on top so it wouldn’t blow away.

  • A Christian couple from Texas found the note, drove to the training location and presented a check for $1000 to this fearful mission-worker! 

  •  At a funding seminar, a young couple with a baby set an appointment with a friend. Arriving at the house, they struggled getting the baby carrier out of the car. Meanwhile, the homeowner was watching from his window and came out to ask if everything was okay. He was a stranger—they had gone to the wrong address! 

But next the curious homeowner invited them into the house, listened to their ministry dreams and became a giving partner! 

Friend, during your busy days of fundraising, are you connecting moment by moment with your all-powerful Helper? Who should be on your Top 25 Prospects list—ask Him! What to do when you run out of contacts—ask Him! He goes before you on every phone call, He sits with you at every funding appointment. You’re not alone!

The Holy Spirit is not on vacation! 

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I confess that I infrequently think of the Holy Spirit’s guidance in my fundraising. But I know I can do nothing without Him. I welcome His testifying to my people ahead of time. Thank you for this gracious gift. Amen.


Are You Loquacious?


“They” want to steal my donors!