Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
How Much Should Christian Workers Be Paid?
“Poor as a church mouse” is a proverb. But where is it written that Christian leaders should be paid poorly?
Jesus’ Two Surprising Economic Values
The Feeding of the 5000 happened at the north end of the Sea of Galilee near Bethsaida. A large crowd followed Jesus to a grassy hill where He was teaching. And now, besides feeding them spiritually, He wants to feed them physically!
Recapturing Cheerful Giving
Though most believers are not joyless givers, they’re not joyful givers either. Their giving brings them the same joy as paying a parking fine.
The Important Role Of Money In Your Spiritual Growth
This passage gives a surprising teaching about how to handle unrighteous wealth—money included. Here are two historically opposing viewpoints about material things that Gospel-workers need to understand.
Fundraising and the Holy Spirit
If the Holy Spirit went on vacation, how long would you continue fundraising before you noticed He was gone?
Do Gospel-workers Love Money?
It was not Jesus who said the Pharisees were lovers of money. It was a parenthetical comment by Luke stating what everyone knew! What’s puzzling is that the Pharisees were the religious leaders of Jesus’ day…
The Important Role of Money in Your Spiritual Growth
In the first century, the Gnostics sect declared that since God is holy, matter is evil. Only the spiritual is important. Accordingly, some early Church Fathers lived as desert hermits in an attempt to draw closer to God.
Jesus’ View of Women (and donors)
In the male-dominated Jewish culture, what caused these women to show up at a post-resurrection prayer meeting with Jesus’ male disciples? Who were they? We find them a few days earlier at Jesus’ crucifixion.
Giving: How Much is Enough?
Many believers feel guilty about their giving. They assume the tithe (ten percent) is the gold standard, and they try to work themselves up to that, but they often fail. Research concludes American churchgoers give 3-5 percent of their income.