Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
“Going Ahead Afraid!”
I was once told that perseverance is “going ahead afraid.” That is, “do what is right even though you are fearful.” I found those three words to be true in funding, but it took a kick in the pants to put it into practice.
Are You Leaving Money on the Table in Your Leadership?
Okike Offia sent a forthright appeal letter to 100 people on the Nigerian National Mailing List. Many National Directors consider this too “pushy” and are uncomfortable to say anything except to provide “How to Give” information…
Broke People Can’t Help Anyone
A big obstacle to fully-funding gospel-workers in Africa is friends who say “yes” to give support but stop after one or two gifts. Or don’t start at all. Do you recognize the problem?
Tough Beginnings Don't Mean the Future Will Be Horrible
Before I joined the Navigator ministry I figured that some people were good at fundraising—but I assumed I would not be one of them.
Four Must-Haves in MPD!
Like most gospel workers my Ministry Partner Development journey has been fraught with trepidation. My attitude was, “Anything but fundraising!”
Straight Line or Circle?
Guest Blog written by Myles Wilson
I spent a week recently with a mission organization in South Africa whose staff come from backgrounds ranging from economically deprived to comfortable middle class. They wanted to explore examples in scripture where people were supported in God’s Kingdom work so that they could build funding models consistent with these principles.
One question that came up with was Should we use a straight line or a circle?
Why is the widow even in the story?
Guest Blog written by Myles Wilson
They asked if I’d help them explore examples in scripture where people were supported to be involved in God’s Kingdom work.
As we looked at 1 Kings 17, where God used ravens to provide for Elijah and then used the widow in Zarephath, one of the guys asked, What’s the widow got to do with it? Why is she even in the story?