Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Would Your Giving Partners Say You Are a Genuinely Thankful Person?
Your country might not have an official day of thanks, but as 2022 ends what better time to appreciate your giving partners?
Seven Fundraising Traps to Avoid
Similarly, we can fall for “easy” funding methods, but let us be wiser than the saber-tooths. Here are seven traps to avoid…
My Unexpected God-incident Moment with MPD
Over 40 years ago when I married my husband, Pete, we started “living by faith” as it was often referred to. There was no budget. But I have to say God was faithful…
Five Newsletter Must-do’s from a Giving Partner!
Clear, candid and well-organized missionary newsletters are most effective.
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters (Part II)
“J” is a faithful giving partner of many missionaries for many years, she understands giving and receiving. I asked her and her husband to respond to these questions about missionary newsletters
What Donors Want: In Your Newsletters
I recently received some perceptive comments about my newsletter from a reader who receives many missionary newsletters…
Meals Together: Food and Fundraising
The gospels record 12 meal-times where Jesus had meaningful ministry—not counting the two feedings of the multitudes…
Asking Donors to Increase
The first time I asked my giving partners to increase their support, not one responded. Zero! I was crushed—the old country song came to mind, “I don’t think you love me anymore!”
“They” want to steal my donors!
This is a recurring theme with mission-workers around the world. When the National Office makes noise about appealing to “your donors,” the hair on the back of your neck stands up.