Articles and Devotionals
to help you in your fundraising journey
Do You Take Your Budget Seriously?
When I ask mission-workers about their organizational budget, I get these responses: “My monthly budget? Hmmm….
The Two R’s of Fear in MPD!
As a young Gospel worker, I faced fear every time I thought about calling someone to set an MPD appointment. It was not only the phone call that scared me—merely thinking about the phone call scared me!
Broke People Can’t Help Anyone
A big obstacle to fully-funding gospel-workers in Africa is friends who say “yes” to give support but stop after one or two gifts. Or don’t start at all. Do you recognize the problem?
How High to Set Your Budget
Imagine John the Baptist submitting his budget to the mission committee at a church: “Wow, John, you’re frugal—locusts and wild honey don’t cost much!” Now imagine Jesus submitting his budget: “Wow, Jesus, your line item for eating with tax collectors is quite high!”