Personal stories
or journal entries by Scott or mission workers
What Giving-Partners Teach Me in December!
Every December I phone giving partners and friends on our mailing-list—some I don’t know well. My goal is to remind as many as possible of the end-of-year appeal letter they received in early December. But I also listen and encourage—donors and non-donors.
Here are some of their words from 39 calls (so far):
What my dad taught me about hogs—and fundraising!
Flocks of sheep and herds of goats were the economic engines for shepherds in ancient Palestine. Careful shepherds paid close attention to watch for injured animals or signs of disease. They studied the habits of each animal; they knew them well. Why study their flocks?
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Summary
Made it home safely last night about 7 p.m. On the airplane I recorded these “metrics”:
Appointments: 13 appointments over 7 days in 4 states plus a funeral (interacted with 27 individuals—staff, giving partners, future donors)
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Day Seven
Great day yesterday! As I left a giving partner’s home she slid an envelope across the table “for my work.” I thanked this lovely widow friend for her giving for over 15 years—her husband died five years ago. I visited them every 2-3 years and…
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip--Day Six
Took a risk this morning and asked my gracious but busy host if he would like to have a quiet time before the kids were up. Yes and his wife joined us too. Wonderful time. Recommend it!
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Day Five
Yesterday’s 7 a.m. breakfast was with a periodic, sporadic giving partner who gives when he receives lawyer settlements. He also owns four homes. I said, “You mean you have four mortgages!” Right. So no monthly! But his heart is with us, and he will continue to give periodically as the Lord leads. I have no doubt…
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Day Four
Moving fast! Four meetings yesterday. Spent the morning with a staff-member (where I stayed overnight). We sat at his kitchen table for an hour sharing what God has been saying to us from the bible and talking about the deaths of our dads…
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip---Day Two
Spent the day coaching two staff couples in their fundraising. Here is what seemed to connect:
Bible study entitled “Four Money-words Ministry Workers Must Know Well!” Do you know them? B—, S—, B—, T—. Good discussion and good laughing over the question, “What did Paul the Apostle teach about tithing?” Highlight for me was the wives actively and energetically participating!
Diary and Confessions of a Donor Ministry Trip--Day One
Made it to Baltimore okay but left late and arrived late. I noticed again that the favorite topic of conversation among air travelers is complaining about air travel--late arrivals, poor food, cramped seats, etc. A few years ago I decided not to join in on these conversations. I'm just glad to arrive safely in a few hours as opposed to a few days!